Guinea and Ivory Coast route avalaible

High-Quality SMS Routes at Best Rates
Delivering Reliable SMS Routes in West Africa

About Us
IP Route is a Paris-based business with over 20 years of experience in offering high-quality SMS routes at the best rates. Our experienced and motivated local teams ensure that our routes work 24/7, with more countries becoming available this year.

Discover our well-established routes in West Africa and stay tuned for more countries to be available this year. Our experienced and motivated local teams ensure that our routes work 24/7.

Our Routes
Our Added Value
lp Route distinguishes itself by focusing on a limited number of routes, maintaining high conversion rates for OTP traffic, deep skills in routing rules of the SMMP protocol, direct connection with producers, and equipment replacement every 24 months.

Ip Route SAS
6 rue d'Armaillé 75017 Paris - France
Siret : 921 496 055 000 10
RCS Paris - Ape : 6209Z
TVA FR 119 214 96 055
Office Phone: + 33 9 50 93 43 75
Web site: